September Writing Prompts

Summer vacation pic.

After so many years of attending school and being a teacher, Labour Day is the day that marks a fresh start for me–sort of an early New Year’s Day. This is the time of year that I make those resolutions to write more, exercise more, schedule more ‘me time’, get my life in balance.

I think part of the reason for this is that, once school begins, I’m on a schedule. That daily work timetable makes it more likely that I will timetable other important things in my life, too. I keep a daily calendar during the school year with times blocked off for classes, and then what I have left are tempting blank spaces to fill with other projects. Love that.

How do you block out time for your writing and the other important things in your life? Do you keep a daily calendar or diary? Does Labour Day seem like New Year’s to you?

Here are some writing prompts to play with in September.

1. Freewrite using one, some or all of the following words: leaves, books, new, bright, time, hope

2. Try one of these opening sentences and see where the story takes  you.

  • “Where did you come from?”
  • The screech of gulls stopped her in her tracks.
  • Charlie read the inscription in the front of the book again. Now, what does that mean, he wondered.
  • After four days, Jeff had had enough.
  • I hated it when she smiled that way.
  • It didn’t take long to realize that, once they found the body, I was going to be suspect number one.

3.  Some dialogue to play with.

  • The fire is out.
  • Don’t look at me! I’m no boy scout.
  • I figured that out already. Just what are you?


  • Why do you keep staring at that painting?
  • I know who painted it.
  • Well, that’s not difficult. His name is in the corner.
  • You don’t understand. I know who really painted it.

4. Here are some September-related song titles. Try one as the title of a story or poem.

See You In September, September Song, It Might As Well Rain Until September, September Morning, Autumn in New York, My September Love, Chill Of An Early Fall.

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