Book Cover for Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery

Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery cover art by Elly Lee

No, it’s not a missing story from the Doyle canon. It’s the cover for a book that I wrote for JLS Storybook Project, a publisher that creates ESL material for Korean students learning English. I had a wonderful time writing the book and can’t wait to see the published product–and the other illustrations that are inside. Many thanks to the illustrator, Elly Lee.

In Sherlock Holmes and the Orphanage Mystery, two children who are living on the street  desperately want to be members of Holmes’ Baker Street Irregulars. Going under cover in an orphanage, they use their wits, secret messages, and street smarts to unravel the villains’ plot and earn a place in the Irregulars–and a new home.

It was great fun renewing my acquaintance with the Holmes’ stories while I did research for the Orphanage Mystery. I hope my story leads the students to read the originals sometime, and that they enjoy them as much I as do.

Have you ever written a story or book using characters created by other authors? Who would you like to write about?

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