Eden Mills and Me

Last Sunday, with some trepidation, I set up my table at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival  and waited for the day to unfold. The weather cooperated, and the sun and warmth brought out thousands of visitors to hear wonderful authors read from their new works.  And all of them walked down Publishers’ Way at least once and past my table.(http://www.edenmillswritersfestival.ca/)

I overcame the awkwardness (for me) of striking up conversations with total strangers and talking about the merits of my book. I met parents of teens who love to write, teens who love to write, teachers, and therapists who use writing in their work with teens. I got reacquainted with people I had worked with years ago and former students, and I met and chatted with fellow CANSCAIP member, Janet Wilson (http://secondstorypress.ca/books/206-our-earth) and Jon Fear and Louisa D’Amato from our local newspaper The Record.  And I sold a few books, too.

My son helped me set up and went to hear some of the YA author readings. He kept me company (did his geography homework), and bought food. At the end of the day, he introduced author, Shane Peacock, at the YA authors’ event and was “paid” with all four books in Shane’s fantastic boy Sherlock Holmes series (http://www.shanepeacock.ca/index2.html), which he duly got signed by the author and is now happily reading.

I was totally out of my element that Sunday and survived. I was exhausted by the end of the day, but energized, too, by the support of strangers for my book and its purpose. And that is what will stay with me for a very long time.

Sunday Afternoon at Eden Mills

Sunday marks my first venture into ‘sales’ for my book, Writing Fiction: A Hands-On Guide for Teens. I’ve rented a table at the Eden Mills Writers’ Festival and am going to join publishers, book stores, and other writers (self-published and not) who will be selling their books to the expected several thousand visitors.

Buying books is not the major allure of the Festival. Eden Mills plays host to over 40 writers who will read excerpts from their work in grassy outdoor venues. There will be writers of adult, young adult and children’s books, many of whom are award winners, who will also be signing their books for new and old fans.

I’ve have attended for several years and in the past three years I have been joined by my son. The first time I brought him I expected that we’d stay for a couple of authors and then he would want to go home. We stayed for the entire afternoon! He was thrilled to hear and meet the authors of books he knew well and to get to know new authors as well. We’ve graduated from the children’s book area to young adult now and traditionally come home with several new books for both of us to read. This year he’ll be exploring the event on his own while I stay at my table. A change for both of us.

This afternoon marks another step in the  marketing plan that is essential for sales as a self-published author. I’ve had fun creating brochures and book marks and material to hand out on the day and part of me is looking forward to the sales experience. Another part of me is very anxious and wishing I were just at Eden Mills to enjoy the event. I’ll miss attending the readings, but I’m counting on my son to bring back regular reports–and requests to buy books–throughout the afternoon. Though this Sunday will be a change from our normal routine, I will, as always, be very happy to have his company. That will never change.

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