Announcing New Online Writing Camp for Teens!

I’ve created an online, 5-day creative writing program called Writing Camp for Teens. The program contains five activity bundles with writing-centered exercises, crafts,  resources, and the odd field trip. You will have enough writing prompts to last a long time. There are options that include email coaching or a critique of your story. Please check out Writing Camp for Teens here.

Nearly 600 writing prompts to help inspire your writing, break through writer’s block, or give you a place to start whenever you need a story idea.IMG-20130709-00210

I’ve given this page a new look that I hope is easier to negotiate that the previous, strangely-numbered edition. Scroll down to find six different categories of writing starters: first lines, thinking about your character, connect the random words–or not, writing prompts and questions, dialogue prompts, story titles. From now on, new prompts will get added to all the categories from the top, except the dialogue prompts that have to get added to the end of the category to keep the numbering system working. Have fun!

The prompts below can help you find a story idea, but if you’re looking for a way to outline the action of a longer story, consider the hero’s journey. Here’s an outline of how it works.

Plotting with the Hero’s Journey

In 1949, a scholar named Joseph Campbell published a book called The Hero with a Thousand Faces. In the book, he explained what he had learned from studying religions, mythology and legends from around the world. He looked at stories from different cultures about their heroes and heroines. He found one story that seemed to occur in all cultures, no matter when they existed in history or where they existed on the planet. This pattern for a story has become known as the “hero’s journey.”

The hero’s journey is not just a pattern that belongs to old stories. It’s being used today in books you’ve read and movies that you’ve seen. Writers use it because it is a pattern that their readers enjoy, no matter whether they are male or female. Screenwriters use it because it helps them write a better movie.

One well-known book about the hero’s journey was written by Christopher Vogler. It’s called The Writer’s Journey: Mythic Structure for Writers. Vogler worked at Disney Studios when they were creating The Lion King and Aladdin and wrote a memo to the Disney screenwriters about using the hero’s journey pattern to make good films. Use the terms “hero’s journey” to search the Internet and you will find lots of examples and more detailed descriptions of the pattern.

The hero’s journey pattern roughly follows the steps in the list below. Keep in mind, that just because it’s called the hero’s journey, this story pattern isn’t restricted to stories about boys only. You’ll see, from an example later on in the chapter that this pattern applies to stories about girls, too. Can you think of a book you’ve read or a movie you’ve watched that follows a similar pattern to the steps here?

  • The hero has an “unusual” birth. Often the hero is an orphan or has something mysterious in his past.
  • The hero is asked to do something that, at first, he doesn’t want to do, so he says no. Then he is asked again, but this time he says yes.
  • Early in the journey, the hero gets help from someone wise.
  • The hero travels from the familiar world to the adventure world.
  • The hero is tested by people and events.
  • The hero often has a helper or sidekick in the adventure world.
  • The hero faces a final battle where all could be won or lost.
  • After the battle, the hero returns with something that benefits others

George Lucas used that pattern in his Star Wars films, JK Rowling’s Harry Potter books follow the pattern, and you can see the pattern in The Hunger Games, too. Not every part of your story has to match the steps listed above. The hero’s journey is just a plotting device that’s worth thinking about when you tackle a big project like a novel. Here’s how it works in two books you might know.

Hero’s Journey in Percy Jackson: The Lightning Thief and Ella Enchanted



Example from Percy Jackson Example from Ella Enchanted
The hero has an “unusual” birth. Often the hero is an orphan or has something mysterious in his past.


Percy is a demi-god. His father is the ancient Greek god, Poseidon Ella is given the gift of obedience when she is born from a fairy named Lucinda. This gift is really a curse. She has a fairy godmother and is part fairy herself, but doesn’t find that out until she is older.
The hero is asked to do something out of his or her comfort zone and initially refuses. Then The hero is asked again, but this time he or she decides to accept. Percy’s doesn’t want to go to the camp his mother is taking him to, and doesn’t understand the danger. At camp, he doesn’t really want to be there, especially after he finds out who his father is and he is separated from his friends. After her mother dies, Ella is told that she has to go to finishing school. She doesn’t want to go, but she is given an order so she has to obey.
Early in the journey, the hero gets help from someone wise. Charon gives Percy a ballpoint pen that becomes a sword. He gets prophecies from the oracle, but is told that they might not mean what he thinks they do. Ella gets help from her fairy godmother, Mandy. Because Ella is part fairy, she can read a special book that Mandy gives her. The book tells her what other people are doing and thinking.
The hero travels from the familiar world to the adventure world. Percy goes on a quest to return lightning to Zeus. His personal quest is to save his mother. The world outside the camp isn’t the same as when he left it because he now knows that it is full of danger and monsters. Ella goes to finishing school where her step-sisters find out her secret. She runs away and travels to a giant’s wedding so she can find Lucinda and get the curse undone.
The hero is tested by people and events. He faces many monsters and threats to his life on his quest, including being attached by the Furies, Medusa, Chimera, and Echidna. Ella is tormented by her step-sisters and forced to give up her only friend at the school She runs away to find Lucinda and tames ogres and meets giants and goes for 6 days without food. Lucinda gives her a worse curse—to be happy when she obeys. She agrees to marry someone she doesn’t love because of the curse.
The hero often has a helper or sidekick in the adventure world Percy travels with two friends: Annabeth and Grover Ella gets help from the book, and from the soldier that Char sends with her to the giants. She also makes friends with the elves.
The hero faces a final battle where all could be won or lost. Percy has to battle Ares, the god of war, in order to win the helmet that has to be returned to Hades. Ella breaks her spell in order to save Char whom she loves.
After the battle, the hero returns with something that benefits others. Percy returns the lightning to Zeus and saves his mother. He ends the conflict between Zeus and his father. Ella is free from the curse and can marry Char, and her step-mother and sisters are punished.

Keep in mind the story line graph that your teachers draw on the board showing the introduction, the inciting incident, the rising action, turning point, falling action and conclusion. That drawing is a good reminder that you need to keep your reader interested in your character’s story by keeping your character in trouble, increasing the danger until a final moment when the action comes to a climax and the problem is finally solved.

In the table above, “the hero is tested by people and events” corresponds to the rising action of a story. In a short story, the rising action doesn’t take any breaks, and follows a steady course to the end of the story. In a longer work, you will need to give your readers some short breaks in the action while your character reflects on what has just happened, heals wounds, gathers strength or learns skills for the next challenge, reviews the clues (if your story is a mystery), or maybe just has some fun. After these breaks, your character’s next challenge will have a strong impact on your reader and keep those pages turning.



Think of a story that might begin or end with one of these sentences:

  1. Toy guns can’t kill people – or so I thought. (contributed by a reader)
  2. Today I got the phone call. (contributed by a reader)
  3. Henry said, “Do not wish me a Happy New Year.”
  4. Helen dropped the last of his photographs into the trash.
  5. Why wasn’t I surprised that the light switch didn’t work either.
  6. I hoped they remembered the old adage, “Don’t shoot the messenger.”
  7. We’d never make it before dawn.
  8. They were not her people. Helen realized she was lucky to still be alive.
  9. One of these days, I’m going to say no.
  10. I agreed that Henry was a puzzle, but I was the only one who thought a couple of pieces were missing.
  11. It’s bad enough when your ex-boyfriend calls you, but when the call is from his mother, it’s time for action!
  12. I knew that sound. Dragons.
  13. I thought space was supposed to be silent.
  14. We didn’t know it would be our last sunset at the lake.
  15. Tires screeched. I turned and ran down the alley.
  16. He lit a cigarette and watched Henry close the door.
  17. Who’s that woman in the photo?
  18. Two years ago, I swore I’d never come back here again.
  19. It’s not unusual to find odd bits of paper tucked into library books for a bookmark, but this time it was a letter.
  20. Some jokes just aren’t funny.
  21. “Next time,” said Henry, “we’ll plan our escape in better weather.”
  22. “Moon Base Omega failed to report, sir.”
  23. We heard the approaching horses (car) and hurried further into the woods.
  24. I was not ready to admit defeat.
  25. “This is the last straw!”
  26. Henry looked guilty.
  27. Helen looked up from her reading and her book fell from her lap.
  28. I’d always wondered what real fear felt like. I was sorry I found out.
  29. Monday was supposed to be the worst day of the week. Today had it beat by a mile.
  30. We all felt the cold before he entered the hall.
  31. Breathing at this altitude was harder than I thought it would be.
  32. “Are you sure he’s here?”
  33. Low battery. Exactly the two words I didn’t want to see right now.
  34. After sitting at the same desk for three years, I figured I was beyond seeing anything new. I was wrong.
  35. “Have you seen this?”
  36. Rain turned the narrow path into a steam of mud and dead leaves.
  37. The man’s face glared down from the picture frame on the wall.
  38. We smelled the smoke before we saw the flames.
  39. Going on this vacation had been a mistake.
  40. I was sure that I someone move past the window.
  41. Henry died two years ago, but I saw him for the first time today.
  42. “What do you mean, you’re out of lemons?”
  43. Unlike Disneyland, my hometown was not the happiest place on earth.
  44. A day at the mall. I’d agreed to spend a day at the mall. An hour was my usual limit.
  45. The voice on the phone was warm and convincing.
  46. The flames had nearly reached the stables.
  47. Bill looked up at the flag to check the wind.
  48. Helena reined her horse back to a walk. She needed time to think.
  49. “When was the last time you saw him?”
  50. He reached for the knife.
  51. If school sucked, then Mr. Wentwhistle’s English class was the largest Dyson in the building.
  52. I always liked the number 24.
  53. The old man leaned forward over the table.
  54. “No. You unwrap your present first.”
  55. I yanked out my ear buds. That noise had to be a scream.
  56. Margot always ate her vegetables first.
  57. The smell of smoke lingered long after the blaze had died.
  58. I huddled in the stern as the sea slammed the little boat.
  59. Why was her floor covered in broken glass?
  60. Yellow leaves crackled underfoot.
  61. Ben pulled the brim of his hat further down over his eyes.
  62. The cave was dark, but at least it was dry.
  63. The last thing Helen needed now was a crying little brother.
  64. “Storm’s coming.”
  65. Where’s Ralph?
  66. Yesterday I would never have guessed that this could be true
  67. The sword felt heavy in her hand.
  68. Flight was second nature to him.
  69. My best friend is a ghost.
  70. My mother always said that it was better to ask for forgiveness than for permission
  71. I was beginning to wonder if driving a car was something I should be doing with a cranky Dalmatian in the back seat and a migraine pounding behind my eyes.
  72. Some tunes bring back the wrong kind of memories.
  73. I’d thought the carpet was clean until my face made close and painful contact.
  74. At times like this, I knew better than to ask, “Why me?”
  75. Was I the only one who had noticed that there’d been no squeal of brakes before the car hit the gate post?
  76. “Carly hates me.”
  77. Peter hid under the table.
  78. The jewels sparkled in the sunlight.
  79. Marcus pulled his cloak more tightly around his shoulders
  80. “When was the last time you saw Henry Marsh?”
  81. Margot closed the book she was reading and turned out the light.
  82. Mondays never go well.
  83. How can someone get lost twice in one day?
  84. Is that a threat?
  85. I definitely didn’t like the way those lights were flickering?
  86. So young.
  87. I had nothing left but thanks.
  88. Sunsets will never be the same again.
  89. Kisses are just the beginning.
  90. Typical Michael.
  91. Tom had everything, except …
  92. If you couldn’t arrange a solar eclipse to darken your day, there was always Henry.
  93. The winter wind rattled the windows.
  94. Dirt was fine—in its place.
  95. He’d always had the perfect golf grip. The one he used on the gun wasn’t bad either.
  96. Palm trees always reminded me of him/her.
  97. Parker was definitely not singing in the rain.
  98. I think that, after you lose your car keys three days in a row, you should just be able to stay home.
  99. Pick up the sword.
  100. That is definitely not supposed to be lying on my front porch.
  101. Landlords must take special courses in how to be aggravating.
  102. A bright orange sun crawled out of the horizon.
  103. Only the desperate need apply.
  104. I’d had a lot of experience with death, but this time …
  105. If my smartphone was so smart why had it just called Jim?
  106. Sam shivered. It wasn’t the cold.
  107. White lace curtains fluttered in the warm breeze.
  108. The air was thick with wood smoke.
  109. I thought Play-Doh® was for kids until I saw the body.
  110. Now I know what they really mean by “caught in the act.”
  111. Erik loved the dark.
  112. Red warning lights flashed on the console.
  113. Remind me again why I wanted to be a June bride.
  114. A black wall of cloud raced in from the west. Dead leaves scattered in the wind. Once again, the perfect setting for his arrival.
  115. I refused to let them see me cry.
  116. When I thought about the cabin, I only remembered the corners—the ones where I’d crouched in fear.
  117. I never dreamt it would be still standing after all these decades, but then, if my great aunt’s diary was right, this simple weathered cabin was magic.
  118. I hated classical music, so fortunately for me the concert was cut short half way through the William Tell Overture—sadly so was the conductor’s life.
  119. Character 1: “Listen to the rain pounding on the roof!”//Character 2: “That’s not rain.”
  120. “Share my umbrella, lady?”
  121. “I thought you said this tent was waterproof!”
  122. After two hours of the brain-numbing, thud-swish of windshield wipers, Carol stopped her car.
  123. Marnie sat in front of her computer, staring at a screen full of photos. “Delete,” she whispered and the screen went blank.
  124. A year had passed and it still hurt to walk in the house and not hear his voice.
  125. Pat walked into the library and flicked the light switch. A flash, a hollow pop, and darkness.
  126. Fine. I’ll do it.
  127. If you’re hungry, you’ll eat it.
  128. The next time I say ‘yes’ I’m actually going to listen to the question.
  129. I thought this was supposed to be a vacation.
  130. The sign says, “No Trespassing.”
  131. In a perfect world chocolate would be calorie free.
  132. Heartbeats shouldn’t be this loud.
  133. Mike heard the click and froze.
  134. Fences are for climbing.
  135. Who says you never forget how to ride a bike.
  136. The rain and the mud were bad enough; I didn’t need her smirk, too.
  137. Alex threw the sack onto the table.
  138. Just a few more steps
  139. Only three days to save his life.
  140. Even though the umbrella cast a wide shadow, I still wondered if dead skin could sunburn.
  141. The candle guttered and we were left in the dark.
  142. Dad’s tree was dying.
  143. His watch has stopped.
  144. Feet scrabbled into the shadows.
  145. Only the body disturbed the smooth surface of the pool.
  146. Put that down.
  147. Dear Diary.
  148. I didn’t expect to be happy he was dead.
  149. This was absolutely the wrong time for the fuse to blow.
  150. If I heard that whistle one more time …
  151. His hand trembled as he closed the book.
  152. The creature slipped into the long grass.
  153. Only animals’ eyes are supposed to glow at night.
  154. I didn’t need to smell the place to know why I hated it.
  155. Please tell us a little about yourself.
  156. Haven’t you ever seen a knife before?
  157. It will be here any minute.
  158. Sit down, or else.
  159. The wind was changing. I felt it in my skin.
  160. Never lend Parker anything.
  161. The sound of his voice never failed to make me cringe.
  162. “I’d wish you a Happy New Year, but I have a feeling it would be a little inappropriate at a murder scene.”
  163. Jasmine held the small shell, looking at it closely for a moment before putting it carefully in her pocket.
  164. The icy rain clattered on the windows like an endless chorus line of rhythm-challenged tap dancers.
  165. Winslow put down his pen and read the note one last time.
  166. Eyes that green were definitely dangerous.
  167. Mike’s Saloon was usually closed in the morning.
  168. Where did you come from?”
  169. The screech of gulls stopped her in her tracks.
  170. Charlie read the inscription in the front of the book again. Now, what does that mean, he wondered.
  171. After four days, Jeff had had enough.
  172. I hated it when she smiled that way.
  173. It didn’t take long to realize that, once they found the body, I was going to be suspect number one.
  174. My boss was right. Sunday was the perfect day for a murder.
  175. It was too damn quiet.
  176. Outside the diner, a black pickup rolled to a stop.
  177. Helen never looked good in red.
  178. Jim said he’d checked the cottage yesterday. It wasn’t like him to forget to lock the door.
  179. Beth put her mug down with a thud and jumped up from the table. She really had heard it. It wasn’t her imagination.
  180. Chris woke to the sound of crying. It was 3 o’clock in the morning and he’d been alone when he went to bed.


  1. What would your character write in his or her journal in response to these prompts?
    a)   What annoyed me today.
    b)   What made me laugh today.
    c)    The news story/Facebook post that made me smile.
    d)    How I feel about thunderstorms.
    e)    Music that brings back memories.
    f)     If I could live at any time in human history, it would be ________ because ….
  2. Have some fun with these questions designed to dig a little deeper into your character and to give you some thoughtful journal topics to explore.
  3. What masks do your characters wear to hide their feelings in certain situations? Whom do they trust to see behind their masks?
  4.  What costumes did your characters want to wear on Hallowe’en when they were children? Did they want to be superheroes or bunnies or witches or pirates or ….? What was your favourite Hallowe’en costume? Why was it your favourite?
  5.  What do you need to have the best start to your day? Eight hours sleep? Two cups of coffee? Skipping morning altogether? Music? All news radio? What happens when your favorite morning routine goes wrong? Now answer these questions for your character.
  6.  In Stuart Kaminsky’s Toby Peters mysteries, Toby has recurring nightmares that feature Bozo the clown. Write about your recurring dream or create one for your character.
  7.  If your characters live in the present, what photos or images do your characters have on their desktops or cell phone screens? Why is this image important? If your characters live in another time, what photos would they keep in a wallet or on a bedside table, or what poster would they have on their bedroom walls? Explain why certain photos or images are special to you?
  8.  What does your character consider a luxury? A day at the spa? Box tickets for a game? Feeling safe? A snow day home from school? One more day? What obstacles keep your character from enjoying this luxury? Describe what you would consider a luxury. If it is something that you can treat yourself to once in a while, how does it make you feel? If it is something that is out of reach, how important is it that you eventually get to enjoy it?
  9.  What makes your character impatient or angry? How does he or she deal with anger? Does your character keep it bottled up to explode later over something insignificant? Let it all out right at the moment and then move on? Never really get angry? Count to 10? React with fists or words? What does it take to get a strong reaction from your character? Think about how you handle anger. How does it affect you and your relationships?
  10.  Do holiday festivals make you happy, or do they bring back sad memories, or do they do both? How do you deal with your holiday feelings? How do holidays affect your character?
  11.  Think about makes you laugh. Do you have a favorite comedian or TV show or movie? What makes the person or program so funny? What kind of humor appeals to you? Witty repartee? Slapstick? Farce? What makes your character laugh? One of the key rules of humor is, “Pain is funny.” Do you think it’s true? Why or why not?
  12.  How would you complete the following sentences? How would your characters complete the sentences?  If I could be a kid again, I would … ; If I could go back to one day in my life, I would …; If I could have one good-bye over again, I would ….
  13.  What brings you comfort? A hug, the low vibration of a purring cat, fuzzy slippers and a favorite housecoat, ice cream, money in the bank, Jack Daniels? Explain why certain things make you feel comforted. Now answer the same question for your character.Have you ever wanted to get in your car or on a bus or train and just keep going? What is pulling you from where you are? What do you want to leave behind, if only for a while? What do you hope is ahead of you? What does your character think and do when he or she feels this way?
  14.  What makes your character stop and savor the moment? The peaty aroma of an Islay malt? A baby’s smile? What special memory or feeling is evoked? How can this change of pace enhance your story and let the reader know your character better?
  15.  What has your character wasted in the past—money, time, a relationship, someone’s trust? How does that event color what your character is doing today and how does it influence your character’s choices? Answer the same question for yourself.
  16.  Ask your character the ten Bernard Pivot questions that James Lipton asks his guests on the Actor’s Studio. For fun, ask yourself, too!
    1. What is your favorite word?
    2. What is your least favorite word?
    3. What turns you on?
    4. What turns you off?
    5. What is your favorite curse word?
    6. What sound or noise do you love?
    7. What sound or noise do you hate?
    8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
    9. What profession would you not like to do?
    10. If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
  17.  What is your character’s greatest fear? If your character doesn’t have one, create one and make sure that he or she has to face that fear at a critical time in your story.  Think Indiana Jones and the snakes.
  18.  What is the one ‘good-bye’ that you said to a living person that you regret saying?  Answer the same question for your character.
  19.  Does your character prefer to be alone or with a lot of people? What benefits does your character derive from being in his favorite situation? How does he cope when he must experience the opposite? Think of placing your character in his least favorite setting and add another level of conflict to whatever else is happening in the scene.
  20. What food do you hate? Consider serving your character her most despised meal in a situation where she feels she actually has to eat it.
  21.  What place have you always wanted to visit? What attracts you to this place? What do you wish you could experience there? Answer these questions for your character.
  22. Many mystery novelists hook readers with their expertise in a certain skill: gourmet cooking, knitting, quilting, showing dogs. Do you have or know about a special skill that could add an extra dimension to your character?
  23.  If your main character could choose to play a character in a play or movie, which character would he or she choose? Which character would you choose?
  24. Write an opening paragraph in which your character comes into physical contact with someone or something.
  25.  Think about secrets. Make sure your character has some and imagine the kind of person he or she would trust with those secrets. How could that other person gain that trust? Why might that person betray that trust and tell the secret to someone else?
  26.  Send your characters on an adventure to a “land far, far away.” Look through some old issues of National Geographic and imagine how your character would cope in a yurt, or in a market in Marrakesh or in a tent on the side of a mountain.
  27.  Begin your story with your character in motion—driving, running, flying, riding. What is your character running from? What is your character running to?
  28.  Your character loses a backpack/ purse/briefcase containing one thing that his or her future depends upon. What hapens next?
  29.  Think of the skills you have: putting up a tent, downhill skiing, solving crosswords, cooking. Add these skills and interests to your characters or make learning them essential for your main character’s survival.
  30.  Elmore Leonard said, “I once named a character Frank Matisse, but he acted older than his age; and for some reason he wouldn’t talk as much as I wanted him to. I changed his name to Jack Delany and couldn’t shut him up.” Try renaming one of your characters and see what happens.
  31.  How does your main character accept a compliment? What is your main character a little (a lot) vain about?
  32.  What does your character value the most? Is it an object like a ring or a photograph? Or is it a reputation for honesty or an influential position or the chance to find true love? How can you put what your character values most at serious risk in your story? What do you value most?
  33.  How concerned is your character about global warming and conservation? Does he or she recycle or have a garden or compost or drive a hybrid? How does this concern or lack of it affect day-to-day decisions and choices that your character makes?
  34.  If you could take back any words that you said, what would they be? Why would you want to take them back? What words would you character choose? Why?
  35. Is your character a planner or is your character spontaneous? Is he or she happy when someone just drops by or only happy when visits are planned and prepared for?
  36. How many times a day do you check your watch or phone for the time? Are you checking to see how much time has passed or how much is left? Do you manage time well or do things just get done when they get done? How do your story’s characters feel about the passage of time?
  37. Have you ever felt that you have ‘burned your bridges’ with a friend, family member, or employer? What happened? Has this happened to your character? What happened to him or her? How can this cause a complication in the story you are writing
  38. How do you communicate with those you love? Do you call, or Skype, or text? Is it important to hear their voices or see their faces? Are words enough? How do your characters keep in touch? Is there anything they miss as they keep in touch?
  39. When did you last see your best friend? Describe what you did and what you talked about. Why is this person so special to you? Answer the same questions for your character.
  40. How have you felt when you faced a “significant” birthday? What thoughts when through your mind? What resolutions did you make for the next year, the next decade? Is age just a number for you? How does your character feel about his or her age or upcoming birthday?
  41. When is the last time you cried? Describe what happened. Describe what happened the last time your character cried
  42.  What do you do/feel when you find out that you’ve been lied to? How does your character reactHow do you cope when you get a cold? Head for bed or work through it or …? How does your character deal with being sick?
  43. What represents stability to you? Do you value stability in your life or do you prefer to live with a lot of uncertainty? Why do you think you feel this way? Answer these questions for your character?
  44. Do you prefer silence or noise when you work? Why? Answer the same questions for your character.
  45. If your story were going to be filmed, who would star? Why would they be the best match for your characters?
  46. Who is your favorite superhero or folk hero? Why is this person so compelling? Which super/folk hero is your character’s favorite? Why?
  47. What topic does someone have to introduce into a conversation for you to shut down? What topic do you never want to talk about? What topic causes this reaction in your character? Why?
  48. What would be your favorite place to go for a walk? What would your five senses experience there? How does being in this place make you feel? Answer these questions for your character.
  49. How do you feel when you are doing something that you don’t want to do, or are spending time with people you don’t like? How do you cope? How does your character feel in these situations?
  50. If you could instantly fix anything in your life right now, what would it be? Would you change anything or have trouble picking just one thing? What would your character want to fix—nor not?
  51. What strategies do you use to comfort a friend who is going through a bad time? What advice do you give or what do you say to help this person feel better? Is this something your character is good at, or does he or she try to avoid these moments as much as possible?
  52. Describe in detail what is in your character’s pockets or purse or backpack. Why does your character carry these things with him or her all the time?
  53. What kind of driver are you? How do you feel about your car? Is it just a simple necessity or does it say a lot about who you are? Answer these questions for your character.
  54. What’s your favorite board or card game? Why do you enjoy it? Who are your favorite gaming partners? How competitive are you? Do you enjoy the game whether you win or lose? Answer these questions for your character.
  55. What would you do with a large inheritance? What would your character do if he or she inherited a large sum of money?
  56. If someone asked you to describe one happy moment from your childhood, what would it be? Would you have trouble choosing only one? Or would you have difficulty finding any to choose from? How would your character answer this question?
  57. What would you do if you won the lottery? What would your character do?


For each group of words, freewrite around one, some or all of them to create a scene or a story or a poem:fire, light, field, lost, run, black

  1. case, grip, red, box, secret, cord
  2. bowl, gold, web, border, track, glimpse
  3. flower, song, frame, balloon, calm, purple
  4. chair, shadow, dial, repair, candle, cup, yellow
  5. path, marking, window, sky, light, white
  6. wonder, snow, crystal, sky, glow, footprints, run
  7. number, frame, sharp, cold, red, wire, slump
  8. rise, platform, cries, thunder, stone, path, danger
  9. cup, danger, blue, fragile, reach, high
  10. book, scratch, far, wonder, red, end
  11. curtain, lights, remember, warm, close, fear
  12. Key, glass, red, petal, end, call
  13. Paper, control, gold, drop, glow
  14. Smile, block, brown, music, real
  15. Peel, wood, lace, light, blue
  16. Wheel, border dark, wire, box, narrow
  17. Cover arm strand leaf, tall, blue
  18. car, leaf, blue, and, glass, chain
  19. plate, stick, chair, day, ring, wall
  20. holiday, red, flash, tin, tremor, find
  21. salt, light, hand, turn, cover, water
  22. bag, handle, glass, date, black, walk
  23. blue, jar, post, mirror, glow
  24. door, sliver, label, dawn, clasp
  25. knife, paper, ice, coat, silver, lake
  26. clasp, frame, red, strike, notes, tin
  27. clock, chain, grip, moon, shade, lock
  28. band, star, blue, fever, petal, lie
  29. toy, cup, tremble, weight, park
  30. , car, bowl, sidewalk, apple
  31. ribbon, glass, silver, roof, pace
  32. brush, mask, window, ring, fan
  33. bridge, note, match, string, dial
  34. circle, cliff, jewel, paper, snow, nail
  35. ice, gift, map, moon, lamp
  36. ring, storm, table, train, blue
  37. drink, call, space, ladder, jam, cliff
  38. flame, table, cover, mask, hollow, leaf
  39. box, watch, garden, window, ship
  40. sage, match, corner, light, border
  41. bloom, wall, flow, cup, eye, time
  42. shirt, pen, thunder, cry, case, paper
  43. puddle, tree, letter, steps, trail, ache
  44. march, crock, blue, bloom, roof, stone
  45. glass, willow, tile, edge, hollow, bar
  46. empty, bowl, crack, window, yellow
  47. pane, river, stone, open, branch, cloud
  48. cap, link, wheel, funnel, pot, turret
  49. glasses, stake, pool, shadow, crest, choke
  50. poem or scene: bricks, crack, stain, twine, reach, pry
  51. lake, call, face, track, grind, shelter, breath
  52. bird, scrape, clock, envy, whistle, sunset
  53. border, willow, rust, wine, fortune, still
  54. fan, wrong, shot, games, cord, note, window
  55. leaves, books, new, bright, time, hope
  56. snow, windows, night, candle, branches, waiting
  57. keyboard, cup, red, tower, sunset, eye


  1. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Did you finally choose that career or are you still secretly wishing for that childhood dream to be real? Why or why nor? Answer the same questions for your characters.
  2. What was your favourite piece of clothing when you were a child? A special sweater make by grandma, a t-shirt with a favourite TV or movie character, a shirt from you favourite team? Describe the garment and how you felt wearing it. Do the same for your characters.
  3. How does your character react to frustration? (I’m writing this during my second consecutive hour of online assistance in an effort to get Photoshop to download and work on my computer. I admire the perseverance of the client services person, but I sooooo have other things I’d rather be doing right now!) I got out my NEO and finished writing my blog post. What does your character do when he or she has to wait for much longer than he or she thinks is appropriate, or when something small becomes a road block to a larger project that your character considers urgent?
  4. What do sunsets make your character think about?
  5. What makes your character laugh out loud?
  6. What kinds of souvenirs do you bring home from your vacations or trips away from home: Programs? Ticket stubs? Collectible spoons? Maps? Brochures? Books? Where do you keep your souvenirs? How often do you look at them after you return? Is it important to have these keepsakes from your trips? Answer these questions for your characters, too
  7. In what point of view have you written your story? Take a couple of paragraphs and use a voice different to the one you originally chose. Was it easy or difficult to find the words for the rewrite? Did you learn something about the characters or events in the scene that you didn’t know before? Are you in the right POV for your story?
  8. Think of a memory that involves a piece of music: a popular song that you always sang along to, a lullaby, a TV show or movie theme, a melody that you or someone you knew played on an instrument, a song you sang on the way to camp, or in church. Describe the events, people, or emotions that you associate with that piece of music. Do the same exercise for the main character in your story.
  9. What’s your favorite natural sound? Wind shaking poplar leaves? Ocean surf? Thunderstorms? One bird’s song? Describe the place that the sound reminds you of. What other senses do you recall? Do you remember a special smell, taste, touch or sight associated with this place?
  10.  Get away from the keyboard and write with pencil/pen and paper. This is the way you first started to create. The connections are still there. If you already write in longhand, change your paper, use colored pens, or change your location.
  11.  See what happens when you explore one of the following: My life as an aunt/uncle; The worst mess I ever had to clean up; Why I love … ; If you want to annoy me, just ….
  12.  Think of all the meanings and expressions that relate to the word “light.” Here are some examples: light as a feather, light bulb, light on her feet, light-headed, neon, incandescent, bright, burnt out, light the way. Play with these until one of them leads you to a story or poem.
  13.  Think of a sound that isn’t around anymore: the click of typewriter keys, the tone that played during the test pattern on 1950’s TVs, the sound of the dial turning on a telephone, the theme of an old TV or radio program, the sound of a former pet’s paws on hardwood floor, the sound of the doorbell of a house you used to live in. What memories do those sounds conjure up? What rooms or people do you see?
  14. What if–The antique bracelet found by your character was engraved with map coordinates and a date in the near future; a garden shed was really a time travel portal; a picnic basket held a wonderful romantic meal—and a gun.
  15. Write about a “body of water.” Consider the following: a bubble bath, a puddle, a storm-blown lake, a calm green sea, a child’s wading pool.
  16.  Write about an incident involving a dog, a window, and a green hat from three points of view.
  17.  Think about the meanings and expressions related to the word “glass.” Here are some examples: glassy-eyed, glass half empty, glass of water/wine/…, eye glasses, smooth as glass, clear as glass, hourglass, magnifying glass, glass slippers … Play with these until one of them leads you to a story or poem.
  18.  Freewrite around the word “lonely.” To what or whom do you turn when you are lonely? To what or whom does your character turn?
  19.  Think of things white. Choose one word to freewrite around and fill your white page with words: snow, teeth, clouds, wedding gowns, peonies and magnolias, paper, smoke, grubs ….
  20.  If you only had one window to look out of for the next six months, what would you want to see on the other side? Describe the view. How would it change? Why did you choose this particular view? Do the same exercise for your character? What did you learn?
  21.  Are you a lark? Describe your perfect morning. Are you an owl? Describe your perfect night?
  22.  Describe the best kiss you ever gave or received–or both.
  23.  Have you ever felt that you should have been born in a different decade? What draws you to this time? Write about what you would do on a typical day in your other decade.
  24. Choose one sentence from the opening paragraph of the novel you are currently reading and use it to begin your story. Here’s mine from The Tribune’s Curse by John Maddox Roberts: “If you are extremely happy, the gods have it in for you.”
  25. What’s your favorite film? What special quality does this film have that sets it apart from the rest? How can you add that special quality to your current writing project?
  26.  Think of veins. Think of them flowing with healthy blood, tracing delicate patterns in leaves, leaving cruel blue patterns on an old woman’s legs, holding a rich deposit of gold, mutilated by drug use, taking in life-saving medication. Choose one vein of thought and write what you imagine.
  27.  Scour magazines and newspapers for interesting faces. Give them new names, professions and histories and see if they want to come and play in your story.
  28.  Write a story for children. Start with “once upon a time” or “long ago in a land far away.” Enjoy a magic place where anything can happen.
  29.  Several works share the title, “A Stitch in Time” derived from the saying: A stitch in time saves nine. What titles and stories can you create from other proverbs or sayings? Try one of these: What’s good for the goose is good for the gander. Once bitten, twice shy. Where there’s smoke, there’s fire. Jack of all trades, master of none.
  30. If you have an antique or flea market nearby, look for old postcards and read the messages on the back. Here’s one I found. What story can you imagine lies behind this message? “I suppose you are still in Plaster Rock. Heard that Frank 1st has left you. I guess he must be a wanderer.”
  31.  April showers bring May flowers. What flowers could you name your characters after? What kind of people do you associate with names such as Peony, Rose, Thorn, Lily? Here are some characters from stories you might know that are named after flowers: Molly Bloom, Flora Poste, Violet Beaudelaire, Scarlet Pimpernel, Fleur Forsyth, Fleur Delacour, Daisy Buchanan, Lily Owens, Violetta Valéry, Zinnia Larkin, and don’t forget Scarlet O’Hara’s original name was Pansy!
  32. You’re walking home with a friend after dark. When you look at her, her eyes reflect light like a cat’s. What happens next?
  33. Look at your favourite CD cover. Hide everything but one square inch. Describe what you see?
  34.  Play with the word “needle.” How many different needles can you visualize? Put one or two of them in your character’s hands or just out of reach and see what happens. Here are some prompts: someone away from home for the first time sewing on a button, fearing a dentist’s needle, needles clacking in Paris while heads roll… Or have your character be needled by someone or needle someone else.
  35.  Write an opening sentence in which something or someone falls. What happens when they get up–or don’t!
  36. Turn off everything and try writing in silence or change your background sounds. Try jazz, blues, Benedictine monks, Mozart
  37.  Brainstorm around the word dry. Here are a few ideas to get you started–bone dry, dry out, dry as a desert, parched, dry dock
  38.  Find a place where you can do some serious people-watching. Pick three strangers and, one by one, imagine them saying good-bye. Decide what they are saying good-bye to–their homeland, their family, a lover, a job, a threat. What has happened to bring them to this moment? What lies ahead of them? Is the good-bye the beginning of their story or the end?
  39.  Start with the sound of sirens. How does that sound affect you? What do you imagine has happened? Where has it happened? Who is affected?
  40.  June 21st marks the official beginning of summer. Use some of these summery titles and excerpts to frame a story, personal memory, or poem:  A Summer Place, Summer in the City, Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows, The Summer Breeze, The Summer of ’42, Summer Wine, Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?, The Longest Day, Summer Holiday, Summer of ‘69.
  41.  Head to your local bookstore or library with a friend and your writing journal. Take two envelopes and lots of small pieces of paper. For five minutes wander the shelves and write random novel titles on the small pieces of paper and put them in your envelopes. At the end of five minutes, exchange envelopes. Dip in and pull out a title and brainstorm a story that would go with those words. Maybe you could use the words as a line of dialogue to begin your story or in the opening sentence. Keep playing until one story starts to claim your full attention. Start writing.
  42.  Draw a map. It could be of a country, a city, an island, a kingdom, a space station. Add lots of details and place names. Now send your characters on a journey through the imaginary world you have just created, making sure that they get into lots of trouble along the way.
  43.  Think of the places that you know well: a neighbourhood, a city, a school, a cruise ship, a gym, a museum, a summer camp. Now imagine them as places where your characters can fall in love or be shocked or frightened. They can be places where a murder takes place or where people reveal secrets.
  44.  I wish I may I wish I might have the wish I wish tonight. What wish would your character wish for upon a star or ask a genie to grant? What would be the consequences of that dream coming true? What would you wish for? Why? How would your life change if your wish came true?
  45.  Flowers don’t just inspire people’s names, but they inspire place names, too. What stories could you create in towns like these: Flower’s Cove, Newfoundland; Strawberry, Arkansas; Weedpatch, California; Beanblossom, Indiana; Rosebud, Alberta; Carrot River, Saskatchewan; Olive Branch, Michigan; Fallen Leaf, California; Lady Slipper, Prince Edward Island; Tiger Lily, Saskatchewan
  46.  Use some of these April-inspired song titles to inspire a story or poem: Crying in the Rain, I’ll Remember April, Early Morning Rain, April in Paris, April Come She Will, Rainy Days and Mondays
  47.  Have your character find or receive something small enough to be held in two hands. Now create a story around that small thing that turns your character’s life upside down. Think of Bilbo and a ring, Arthur and a sword, Snow White and an apple.
  48.  March 21st marks the vernal equinox when day and night hours are perfectly balanced. Do you strive for balance in your life? How do you achieve it? How do you cope when the dark overwhelms the light in your life? How would your character answer these questions?
  49.  Consider words/ideas associated with the words ‘lion’ and ‘lamb’ and see what stories are hiding in them: Lamb Chop, soft, woolly, Mary and the lamb, lamb to the slaughter, MGM’s lion, roaring, fierce, Androcles and the Lion, Africa, Serengeti, pride, hunter, Lion King.
  50.  March has two astrological signs: Pisces the fish and Aries the ram. What characteristics are suggested by those two animals? Do they apply to anyone you know? Think about what animals your characters could be. When Laurence Olivier created his role of Richard III, he saw him as a spider.
  51.  Put an obstacle in your main character’s way by changing the weather. Introduce some high winds into the story. Stop an escape with a fallen tree. Blow sand into his eyes. Have the rain make so much noise she can’t sleep. Signal a weather change and send him down with a migraine.
  52.  Think about the different forms of power: personal, financial, political, power of nature, power of the weak, superpower, electrical, etc. What power is in the hands of the antagonist or your main character’s family, friends, lover that make your main character’s task even harder? What power does your main character exert on others?
  53.  Think of the most bizarre item that could be delivered by courier. Write about the recipient. Write about the sender.
  54.  Write a letter to yourself to be opened ten/twenty years from now. What do you want that person in the future to know or remember about you now? What do you want that person to have accomplished? Try the same exercise for your character.
  55.  Write a poem/story from the point of view of: an alarm clock, a road map, a baseball cap.
  56.  You’re the family photographer in a large department store. Imagine a family that has come to have their photograph taken for a holiday card. What do you see that the family doesn’t see or that the family doesn’t want you to see?
  57.  You’re on a bus and you don’t know anyone. 1) You people watch. What do you see? OR 2) Not knowing anyone suddenly scares you. What happens next?
  58.  Write about pain. It can be physical or emotional or both.
  59.  Think of a time when you made a difficult choice. Remember how it felt and how you carried on afterwards. Think about the motives behind your decision. Now imagine that you are the kind of person who would have chosen to do the very opposite. Write from this person’s point of view describing his or her motivations, feelings, and how the consequences were dealt with.
  60.  Take a risk—at least in imagination. Take the bungee jump, extreme ski, sing in front of thousands, and then write about it. Make sure that you use all your senses to describe your adventure.
  61.  Use the word “house” to search for images on the internet. Choose a house that appeals to you and imagine a family that lives there and what their story might be. What do they see when they look out their windows? What’s in the basement? Or the attic?
  62.  Write about an incident involving a door, a stain, and a sigh from three points of view.
  63.  Free write around the word “empty.” A few prompts: An empty nest can be a lonely place or a new freedom. An empty journal can be an opportunity to create. An empty bottle …
  64.  Describe a moment when you were surprised. Did the surprise make you happy or sad or frightened? Describe a similar moment for your character.
  65.  Have some fun with words relating to time. Here are few to get you started: Big Ben, stopwatch, time passes, time limit, running out of time, race against time, Time Lord, timeless.
  66.  What would be your perfect vacation destination? Who would be your ideal travel companions? What would you do there? How would you feel if you never had to come home? Answer these questions for your story’s main character, too.
  67.  See what happens when you brainstorm around the word “sand.” Here are a few suggestions to get you started—hour glass, sand trap, sand between your toes, dunes.
  68.  Look at your favorite magazine. Look carefully at the faces and people in the magazine until you find one that connects with you. Create a history for that person. Tell his or her story.
  69.  Try the word “seat” as a starting place for some freewriting. Here are a few suggestions: throne, kitchen chair, chaise lounge, subway, lawn chair.
  70.  How much do you know about your family? Does anyone ever compare you to one of your relatives? How do you feel about the comparison? Do you speculate that other family members that you don’t know might be like you? How do your characters relate to their relatives?
  71.  Use the word “fly” to spark your imagination. Here are a few ideas: dragonfly, no fly zone, jet, insect, soar, “Come Fly With Me.”
  72.  Try the word “step” to create a scene or a story. Here are a few connections to start: step-ladder, step aside, step to the back, watch your step, out of step, step-mother.
  73.  Who is your favorite author in the genre you write in? Have you researched his or her life? What is your favorite book? What writing lessons can you take away from your favorites?
  74.  What’s your favorite cartoon strip in the newspapers? Why does it appeal to you? Which comic strip is a must-read for your character? Why?
  75.  Think of what you can create using with the word “snap.” Here are a few places you can start: card game, twig, snapdragon, snap of the fingers, turtle.
  76.  See where the word “ball” can take your imagination: Here are a few prompts: Cinderella, basket, bearing, beach, ball and chain.
  77.  Play with the word “black” and see what story or poem ideas turn up. Here are a few ideas to get you started: licorice, cat, magic, widow, knight.
  78.  Think about fences. What do they keep in? What do they keep out? What happens when the fence breaks?


Use these bare bones of dialogue to create a scene between two people. Add setting, character, action and emotion to fill in the gaps.

1) I’m so glad you made it.
How many people did you tell?
I was followed. I’m asking you again. How many people did you tell?
Just Terry. Just one.
One too man

2) I brought it, as you asked.
Thank you.
Thank you? That’s not much of a response considering …
Considering what?
Considering the cost

3) It’s broken again.

Can’t you fix it?

Not this time.

4) The sun’s almost down. Won’t be long now.
Why do we have to wait until it’s dark?
Ask him when he gets here.
Are you ready?
Are you?

5) What do you mean you don’t hear it?
Hear what?
Over there. Listen.
What am I supposed to be listening to?
You don’t hear it?
Then you’d better stay here.
Because I just heard my name.

6) You’re late. I thought you weren’t going to make it.
I nearly didn’t.
Do you have it with you?
Can we go now?

7) Are you ready?
You’re sure?
You’re not saying much.
There’s no need.
You don’t have to come.
I do. And you know it.

8) What are you doing?
What does it look like I’m doing?
Sorry. Forget it.
What do you want.
The book. It’s on my list.
Help yourself, Bill.

9) Excuse me did you drop this?
No that’s not mine.
I think it is.

10) “Come here and look at this!”

Kelly obediently peered over Mike’s shoulder at the computer screen. “What am I supposed to be looking at?”

“Linc’s Twitter account’s been hacked.”

“Yeah, so? Happens to lots of people. The message usually says that someone is saying bad things about you and gives you a link you’re supposed to be stupid enough to click on. No one falls for it anymore. Linc knows what to do.”

“This message is different.” Mike pointed at the screen. “Look.”

Kelly read the message to herself and then again out loud. “They’re going to kill me. Help.”

11)  I think we’re going in the wrong direction.

What did you say?

I said, I think we’re going in the wrong direction.

You just might be right.

12) There’s a storm coming.


We have about an hour.

That should be long enough.

13)I think you need to reconsider.


Look behind you.


14) I’m not going in there.

What’s the problem?

It’s dark and it stinks.


Okay, I’m going in there.

15)  I have to talk to you.

Why should I listen?

Because this time I’m not lying.

16) What’s that in your hand?


It’s not “nothing.” Your hand is red.

17) I can’t take another step.

I know. I’m tired, too.

You don’t understand. I really can’t take another step.

18) Whose car is that?

Hal’s, I think. Why?

I’ve seen it before.

Oh. Where?

I’m not sure you want to know.

19) What’s that?

I don’t hear anything.

Shhh. Listen.

Oh. That’s not good.

20) How’d it go?

The captain was less than impressed.

But did he believe you?

Yes. We’re leaving in an hour.

21) What’s so interesting? You’ve been staring out that window for the past hour.

Bill’s late.

Wouldn’t he call if he were going to be late?

Yes, if he could.

22) Did you get what you wanted?


Then let’s get out of here

23) The fire is out.

Don’t look at me! I’m no boy scout.

I figured that out already. Just what are you?

24) Why do you keep staring at that painting?

I know who painted it.

Well, that’s not difficult. His name is in the corner.

You don’t understand. I know who really painted it.

25) Where are we?

I have no idea. But I do know one thing.

What’s that?

It’s not safe.

25) How did you get here?


No. Really, how did you get here?

I think I’d better explain.

27) I wish it would stop raining.

You want to get back on the road, don’t you?

Don’t you?

28) Here. Catch.

What is it? It’s really heavy.

That’s not all it is

29) Did you hear about Henry?

No. What’s new?

He’s run away.

30)Please stop doing that.


It reminds me of someone.


Your brother.

31) I have to leave.

But, I need your help.

It’s a bit late to ask.

32) We have to go.

But I like it here.

And I like staying alive.

33) Wilson has the answer.

Are you sure?

Yes. And I’m not the only one. That’s why we need to get him out of here now.

34) “We need to find shelter.”

“Yes, I’d figured that out.”

35) “I can’t take another step.”

“I know. I’m tired, too.’

“You don’t understand. I really can’t take another step.”

36) “Whose car is that?”

“Hal’s, I think. Why?”

“I’ve seen it before.”

“Oh. Where?”

“I’m not sure you want to know.”

36) I wish you didn’t have to leave.

I must obey the master.

37) Who are you waiting for?

Who says I’m waiting …. Okay, I’m waiting.

38) Did you see that car?

The grey one?

Yes. Did you see who was driving?

No, it was going too fast.

I’m not surprised. It just tried to run me down.

39) Pass me that will you?

What are you doing?

I’ll let you know when I’m done.

40) I just heard from Henry.


He’s not coming.


He said you’d know.

41) I can’t believe how hot it is.

You chose this place for our vacation.

Yeah, when I thought they’d have air conditioning.

42) Have you seen Henry?

No. Why?

He should be here by now.

43) Your secret is safe here, my lord.

And why should I believe you?

Because you are still alive.

44) Am I late? Did I miss the bus?
Yes, and yes.
Why did you wait for me?

45) I can’t come. I’ve got work to do.
Look, it’s just this once, and we won’t be late.

46) Why did Henry choose to meet us here?
He said it would be safe.
You’re joking, right?

47) Lord Henry doesn’t trust us.
How can you tell.
His men are following us.

48) Oh no! My laptop’s got some weird virus!
What’s it doing?
My screen is blank except for three sets of numbers and the word help.
Let me see.

49) Are you sure we’re going the right way?
These are the directions Henry gave me.
Was that before or after you had the fight?

50) Do you think Mrs. Wilson knows?
Knows what?
That Helen cheated.
We’ll find out soon.

51) I saw Henry this morning.
But, I thought he said he was leaving last night.
That’s what he wanted us to think.

52) Why do we have to meet on the bridge?
What’s the matter? Scared?
I’ve got every reason to be.

53) You guys are fighting over a book?
You don’t know what’s in it.

54) When do you think she’ll be done?
She finished an hour ago.
Then why isn’t she here yet?

55) I’m not ready to go.
Well, when will you be ready?
How about never.

56) But Chris is Henry’s best friend!
He didn’t behave like it this morning.

57) Don’t bother explaining it again. I’ll never get it.
But it could save your life.
That’s what you’re here for.
And what if I’m not here?

59) Turn on the light.
I did—and I checked the bulb. There’s no power.
That’s not good.

60) Why did you leave Harry?
I didn’t. He left me.
That’s not what he said.

61) I’m sorry for your loss, Helen.
Believe me. It was no loss.
But how can you say that?

62) I thought robots were supposed to do what they were told.
Not when they’re told something stupid.

63) What’s in the bag?
The stores closed an hour ago.
Okay then. I liked.

64) Have you ever seen any creatures so disgusting.
Should I say something?
You should say, thank-you. They saved our lives remember.


Use one of these titles for a story or poem:

  1. Winter Solstice
  2. The Offer
  3. Sonata in Screams
  4. Haunted
  5. I Hate Love Stories
  6. Blue Wednesday
  7. Rodeo
  8. The New Year’s Mystery
  9. A Dog for a Day
  10. I said No
  11. Fire Place
  12. The Witch Next Door
  13. The Reluctant Prince
  14. Fire in the Hills
  15. Murder at the Laundromat
  16. Love and Old Movies
  17. Yesterday Rain
  18. The Haunting
  19. If Looks Could Kill
  20. Box Lunch
  21. Danger’s Throne
  22. Push Button to Reset
  23. Three Robots
  24. Holiday for Horror
  25. Thursday’s Child
  26. A Small Hero
  27. Shadow Land
  28. The Blue Empire
  29. Target Gold
  30. Last Gasp
  31. Dragon Rites
  32. Clock Tower
  33. Midnight Moon
  34. The Wanderer
  35. Broken Promise
  36. Turning the Corner
  37. The Blue Stone
  38. Wind and Weather
  39. Death at the Races
  40. Framed, Table for Three
  41. How to Stop a Killer
  42. Spring and Violet
  43. Street Corner
  44. Fiddlehead
  45. Lone Pine
  46. Rooftop Romance
  47. Thieves Game
  48. A Quiet Place
  49. The Dragon’s Tower
  50. The Stars Await
  51. Big City Blahs
  52. Red Sky at Night
  53. The Secret Cave
  54. Call Me Never
  55. Life Changer
  56. Witness
  57. Death at Sharpe’s Cove
  58. The Turn Around
  59. Blue Yesterday
  60. The Ring Keeper
  61. Last Wishes, Diary of a Dropout
  62. The Ruby Secret
  63. The Gold Claw
  64. Night Among the Mad
  65. Spineless
  66. The Secret Three
  67. The Journey Home
  68. Walking on a Shroud
  69. In the Mirror
  70. The House by the River
  71. Just a Dollar
  72. Death Takes a Credit Card
  73. Love Factually
  74. Gone with the Sinned
  75. Band
  76. Snap Shot
  77. Over the Rainbow
  78. Unforgettable
  79. No More Mr. Nice Guy
  80. Taking a Chance on Love
  81. Invincible
  82. White Night
  83. Murder and Shadow
  84. Spree for Two
  85. Dream Warrior
  86. Yesterday’s Coffee
  87. Keepsake
  88. The Art of Telling Lies
  89. One Small Step
  90. Rainbow Memory
  91. Yesterday’s Rain
  92. Puddle Jumper
  93. Misty Morning
  94. Rain Delay
  95. In Cold Blood
  96. Twice Shy
  97. The Winter Sea
  98. Cat Among the Pigeons
  99. The Most Dangerous Game,
  100. The Sound of Thunder
  101. The Talisman
  102. Mister Murder
  103. Elephants Never Forget
  104. A Kind of Peace
  105. Among the Lost
  106. A Fine Romance
  107. Dead at Dinner
  108. Whispers
  109. The Dragon’s Curse
  110. Far From Love
  111. The Lucas Curse
  112. By Common Consent
  113. Honor Among Thieves
  114. The Red Roof
  115. Dog Days
  116. Winters Are Murder
  117. Paper Lies
  118. The Lady Takes A Bite
  119. Catch
  120. Guardian’s Promise
  121. Cat’s Lament
  122. Pool Party
  123. The Deadly Season
  124. Hard Drive
  125. Broken Glass
  126. Today and Tomorrow
  127. Luke’s Journey
  128. Face in the Mirror
  129. One More Mile
  130. Packed Bags
  131. One Shoe Missing
  132. Book Club
  133. Just a Short Walk
  134. Wonder Mountain
  135. Mended Fences
  136. Brett’s Cabin
  137. Getting Charlie
  138. Calculated Risk
  139. The Coyote Mystery
  140. Danger’s Edge
  141. Red Sky at Dawning

87 thoughts on “WRITING PROMPTS”

  1. This is extremely helpful! I’ve been wanting to practice my writing skills for awhile but have always felt discouraged, I can’t wait to try this out!

    P.S. I especially like the one ”bare bones”, it’s unique and helpful.

    • Glad you liked the writing starters, Elysia. I love creating the ‘bare bones’ prompts. I always see the characters very clearly, though, quite frankly, I’m not sure what they’re going to get up to after the few lines I have them speak. I wish you all the best with your writing!

    • Between Bing translator and my husband, who lived in Mexico City when he was a kid, I had a look at your Playing with Words site. 🙂 Thanks for dropping by and hope you come back to visit again. Hasta luego!

  2. Thanks for this! We have used a lot of these for school this year and they have definitely got the non-writers in the family thinking! (My writing prompts were getting dull)

  3. Dang these are a lot of writing promts! I write constently so this is a huge help. I liked the promts you wrote about the beginning of the book, like “They were all wrong. Blood didn’t look like ketchup at all” that was one of my favorites. So thanks a bunch! I’m thirteen. 🙂

  4. Thanks a lot — your prompts have kept me from accomplishing anything at all today! Okay, I’m kidding, mostly; what happened is that a couple of them have embedded themselves into my thoughts, and I’ve found myself drifting back to them in the middle of other tasks, taking twice as long to finish. And that’s a problem I’ll take any day of the week!!! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. the one about the cemetery just helped me get an idea for my creative writing class’ short story assignment. thanks a million! 🙂

  6. I’ve taken on the writing prompts as a year’s challenge! I’ll pick 365 of the 460 possibilites and write each day on one! Thanks so much for helping me find my creativity again! (:

  7. Wow, these are great! I especially love the bare-bones dialogue and opening sentences. A couple of my favorites were “They were wrong. Blood really didn’t look like ketchup at all.” and “Never meet your friend in a graveyard.”. Do you have any personal favorites?

    • I love to read mysteries, so my favourite prompts are the ones that, I hope, will lead someone to write one. At workshops, the dialogue ones are big favourites. Glad you’re enjoying them, and good luck with your writing!

  8. Great! #22 inspired.me for a new poem! The one with the knife. If you want, you can check it out on Wattpad.com my name is LolaJenkins and my pic is a girls face with weird hair and a dramatic face…. I only have 4 works, so it should be easy to find!

    • So great to hear that you wrote a poem from one of my prompts! I tried to find it on Wattpad. I found two poems by someone with your name, but the pictures didn’t match the one you describe. One poem was about a water bottle and the other poem was called “Leave Me.” In any case, I’m glad that you’re writing (don’t stop!), and I’m glad you sent me to Wattpad. I’ve never visited the site before!

  9. Thanks for these awesome prompts! I really like to write but I can never think of things to write about, so this has helped so much!

  10. Hi! I just wanted to say that these are the most helpful prompts I’ve ever read! They dont tell you what to write about just things to spark ideas and it’s fantastic. I sincerely hope you write more soon!

    • Thanks, Laura. So happy to hear that you liked the prompts. I post new ones at the beginning of every month in my blog. After a few months, I put them all together and post them to the prompts page. I’m due to do that soon–actually overdue! Good luck with your writing!

  11. This is really helpful!!! Thank you! You are amazing! I was wondering … any ideas for a really meaningful poem? Like one that has a deep message?
    -Thanks again!!!

    • Hi Gabby. Glad you like the website and the prompts. Meaningful poems can come from the life around you and how it touches you. Maybe you could write something about a recent news story that affected you or about a dream that you had that left you feeling a strong emotion, or you could write a poem for a friend who needs to know they’re special, or to someone to thank them for helping you or for just being there. Good luck with your writing!

      • Gabby again! Thank you! And yes, I love this site! My friend and I would like to write a book together and would you suggest any publishing places that do accept and actually review books from new begining authors? I know it is high hopes but we like to shoot for the stars! Also what would you say is your best writing idea? What is your most creative idea? Thanks again!

        • Getting books read by publishers is tough. Check the links on this site for places that are looking for stories from younger and teen writers. Once you see what they are looking for, you might get some ideas about what you could write for them. My most creative idea? Actually there are two: Read a lot and write in my journal every day.

          • Names that I have liked are Adrienne, Simon, Wyatt and Eglantine. I’ve been writing some pieces set in the Middle Ages, so that explains the Eglantine. I also have Garth and Edmund. Have fun naming your characters. I use the baby name sights on the Internet for inspiration sometime. You can look for names based on the nationality of your character.

  12. These are amazing! I’ve been looking for a good way to develop my writing, and using these is definitely going to be a HUGE help 😀
    Are you still adding to them?

    • Thanks, Kaleigh! I’m glad you like the writing prompts. I do have some new ones to add, but I probably won’t get to it until next week. Check my blog on the first of the month. I post new prompts there before I add them to the list. Good luck with your writing! 🙂

  13. I love these!
    our class is seriously lacking any creativity due to the excessive amounts of homework we get!
    these tips and starters have helped me formulate an idea for my creative piece!
    thank you!!

    • Hi Sara, So glad that you like the writing prompts. They’re fun for me to write, too. Have fun with your new project!

  14. Thank you so much, Heather!! I’m a teen, and I often look up ways to improve my writing, and whenever I get writers’ block. This page helped me, with just a few words, to create three new prompts that are very promising for me to add more and more as time passes.
    This whole site has been extra helpful, as well as I have more ideas and thoughts coming to my head after reading, like, every word on the lists you’ve made. They’re wonderful!!
    Thanks again! I really appreciate it! It’ll help me as I mature into a better writer. 🙂

    • Hi Emma! Thanks so much for visiting my website. I’m so glad that you are finding it helpful. I’ve been working on a lot of projects lately, but hope, in the next little while, to add some more prompts to the list. Good luck with your writing!

  15. I’ve been writing over a few months now and i really got out of ideas. I’m 16, and i really love to write epic fantasy stories and those prompts helped me so much!! Thank you!

  16. Oh My Goodness. These are amazing! I am 13 and I LOVE writing! But writing is hard when you have no ideas of how to start it out! PLEASE,PLEASE, PLEASE do another post just like this one. With different prompts, of course!

    • Hi Anne, I’m so glad you like the writing prompts. With over 400 of them, I don’t think you’ll run out soon. 🙂 The pre-teen writing prompts tab will take you to another 100 to help you get started, too. Thanks for dropping by! Have fun writing!

  17. Your writing prompts are wonderful! I am always looking for something new for my 6th graders. I am a special education teacher that teaches reading, language, and math. My students need all the help they can get to improve their writing. Thank you!

    • Hi Kim, Thanks for dropping by and for writing your kind comment. Check out the Templates for Printing tab for some plot organizers, a fun story starter page, and a character sheet that your students might be able to use. Thanks again!

    • I have lots of stories like that. Keep them all and don’t look at them for a month or so. Sometimes when you go back later, you find you really like what you’ve written, or you can see clearly what you need to do to make it turn out the way you want to. It’s very hard to take the pictures in your head and turn them into words on a page, but as long as you’re writing, you’re learning, too, and you will finally see the story you wanted to write.

  18. Thanks for this. I absolutely love to write, and this gave me a lot of ideas to start on. I am working on multiple books already, but I am gonna definitely start on one of these.

  19. I am 12. I love love love to write. Thank you so much for these. I am already writing 4 books. They are all the beginning of series, but I will definitely use these when it comes time. Thanks again.

    • Thanks for dropping by, Julie. I’m so glad to hear about all the books you are writing. You must have an amazing imagination. I hope you drop in again if you ever need another story idea. Good luck with your writing!

  20. These are very lovely prompts! I love reading through them and considering a new personality trait I could add to a character or just seeing a word and typing endlessly as my mind wanders. I know this must be a bit off from your topic on this post, but do you have any advice for developing plot lines? I love to write, but I am quite young (just in middle school) and no writing class has really helped me at all on this subject.

    • Hi Izzy, If you click on the Templates for Printing tab at the top of the page, you’ll be able to get copies of two planners. One is called Brain Dump and there’s an explanation of how to use it on the Templates for Printing page. The other is Story Planner. Either one might help you plot your story. If you are plotting a bigger story, check out the Writing Prompts page again. I’ve added an article on a great plotting pattern called the hero’s journey with examples from stories you might know.
      Make sure you get your character in trouble very early in the story–on the first page. She doesn’t have to be chased by dragons, but there needs to be a hint of conflict–she lies to a friend, she sees a friend steal something at the mall, she is running away from home …. Before she can solve the problem you’ve given her, you need to give her a few more problems that end in a final conflict that she has to overcome. In the cases above that could mean that she finally tells her friend that she lied and deals with the consequences, she tells her friend that she has to return the item she stole and apologize or they can’t be friends anymore, she finally finds a safe place to live after running away, or she returns home and gets the help she needs. I hope some of these ideas help. Ask me a question anytime. Good luck with your stories!

  21. Helloo! All of these interesting ideas have helped me incredibly;they have inspired and encouraged me to start writing even though I’m really young (13). I have no idea what genre to write but I guess I will ‘go with the flow’ as I’m writing!
    Thank you very much Ms. Heather 🙂

    By the way I have an idea that you could add to your writing prompts at the top:

    Today I got the phone call. I have written a short story (about 3500 words) starting with this line and it turned into a really good horror story. 😉 Thanks again!

    • Thanks for visiting my site. Your idea of just going with the flow, sounds perfect. Sometimes the characters lead you to interesting places. It’s a shame not to follow them! 🙂 I love your idea for a first line. I’ll definitely add it to the list. Thanks!

  22. Hi Heather
    I’m writing my first FanFiction and I want it to be good I had an idea of starting my story with a rooftop chase because I want it to be full of action as it is about my two favourite characters in agents of shield. Your website has given me loads of ideas but I’d be great full if you could give me an idea specific to my story or a couple of prompts to get me started that would be extremely helpful.

    • The Agents of Shield characters like to make fun of each other and complain, so one idea would be, if two of them are running away from something, to make sure that the character following the one in the lead has something to complain about. If it’s on a high roof in a thunderstorm, they could be in danger of slipping on the wet surfaces or getting struck by lightning. While they are busy looking back at whoever/whatever is chasing them, one of them could look ahead and notice that something even worse is waiting for them. If only one of your characters is in the scene, then he or she (I’ll use he from now on.) could be wounded, which would make the scene more suspenseful. He could have to be somewhere at a specific time to get some vital information or rescue someone, but escaping whatever is chasing him is using up valuable time. His worrying about time or not passing out from a wound will add more suspense to the chase and make us keep reading to find out how it turns out. Good luck!

  23. Hiya! I have a problem that I can’t seem to overcome – I have written two or three bits of creative writing, however I can’t carry them on to make it into a story but still keep it interesting.

    Any advice and tips would be really useful please!

    Thanks in advance 🙂

    • Hi! Maybe one thing you can do is take a closer look at your main character. (I’ll use “she” for simplicity’s sake.) Do you know enough about her? What does she want? What stands in her way? What are her secrets? What is she afraid of? Afraid of losing? Try filling out the character sketch form under the Templates for Printing tab. Maybe the clue to your story is in your character. You’ll also find two story planners there (Brain Dump Worksheet and Story Planner.) Using them might help you come up with some ideas for a longer story. Conflict drives stories, so think about how much trouble you can make for your character as she tries to achieve her goal. Add bad weather, a twisted ankle, a crying baby, a ghost, a lying classmate, being grounded, running out of time … anything you can think of to give her another challenge to overcome along the way.
      I hope you find something helpful here. Good luck with your stories! 🙂

  24. Hi Heather: I am teaching an adult keyboarding course at a business school. These starters have really helped with their “games” for accuracy and speed. They have lots of fun trying to create the best story! They all need to take turns and they are timed…perfect exercise for a Monday morning. Thanks for this site!

    • Hi Judi, I’ve taught keyboarding, too, and I never thought of using prompts like these for my students. What a great idea! I’m so that glad you and your students are enjoying story writing while they learn their keyboard skills. Thanks for sharing your innovative use for writing prompts.

  25. Hiya:) I used to be able to write quite creatively and it’s been a while since I have…I’ve tried writing in a creative way but I can’t – barely anything ‘comes to me’ as such and if anything does come, it’s boring and unoriginal.

    Please can you give me some advice on how I can get my creativity to improve and help me do some good creative writing please?

    • Hi Aimen, Try playing with the writing prompts on this site. Choose one, and just write–with no judgment, just whatever comes to mind–for 15 minutes and stop. The next day do the same with another prompt until you’ve written 10 or 15 of them. Then go back and find one piece of writing that you want to keep working on. Sometimes, writers get too critical, too soon. We can’t make every idea turn into a great story, so we need to start a lot of them until we find the one that will work. Just commit to playing with words for a couple of weeks and see what you find when you’re done. I throw a lot of words away before I find any that I want to keep. It’s also good to have a collection of “beginnings” to fall back on when inspiration is lacking. You might not think that you’ve written anything good at the time, but often when you look back, you find that little gem of great writing that keeps you going. Good luck!!


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