Writing Tools to KICKSTART Your Writing & Writing Prompts for September 2019

After years of attending and teaching school. September always seem like the best time for new beginnings. If you’re planning to kickstart your writing after a busy (or lazy) summer, here are some old and new tools that I’ve created to help you reach your writing goals.

Character Template – Maybe answering these questions will give you a new insight to your character that suggests a new plot twist or tangle in a growing relationship. I also suggest reading Lee Martin’s chapter, “Subversive Details and Characterization” in Naming the World: And Other Exercise for the Creative Writer, a fabulous book edited by Bret Anthony Johnston.

Plot planner – Use the Brain-Dump Method to jot down scenes and moments that you can see in your story. Use a pencil to join them up into an outline and you’re ready to start writing. You can also use this sheet to help you plan some possible paths for your characters after you’ve got them part way through the story. These sheets are a great place to play “what if” and work though some alternative consequences for whatever actions your characters are already committed to.

Plotting with the Hero’s Journey – Drop by here for an introduction to this popular plotting method and some examples from films you might know.

Coloring Pages – Quiet your inner voice with some coloring. Focus on choosing colors and applying them to the page and give your brain some peaceful moments before heading back into creative mode.

Genre Writing Prompts – Have fun with these new writing prompts for mystery, romance, and fantasy & science fiction writers. I created them to go with my new genre workbooks. Print out the PDFs or just find a prompt that works and have fun.

Here are your writing prompts for September that might help you find your next story or help you break through a block you have on your current project.

Use one, some, or all of the words in one of these groups to write a story or poem:

  • truck, branch, white, road, storm, ice
  • path, cliff, rocks, wind, night, red
  • goblet, silver, potion, drink, danger, warn
  • forest, run, hide, keep, bury, gold
  • yellow, sun, beach, alone, adrift, rescue

Try one of these sentences to begin a story:

  • Helen had other plans
  • The final knight wore black.
  • After the storm the sound of chainsaws dealing with all the fallen trees blocked the sound of anything else—even murder.
  • As the train moved away, I hoped I had left my problems behind at the station.
  • I was going to be late, and Henry was never going to believe why.
  • Ants! I hate ants!
  • Red lights flashed outside the window.
  • Slamming a door can feel good.
  • When he asked me to meet his friend, I wasn’t expecting a dragon.
  • I’d hope to actually finish my lesson before I had to land a plane.
  • My head throbbed. The storm would be here soon.

Try these lines of dialogue to create a scene or two.

Are you sure we’ll be safe here?
As sure as I can be.
I have no idea.

Why can’t you keep quiet?
I think he should hear the truth.
Telling the truth can be dangerous.

But he’s the best ….
Was the best.

I don’t understand why he left.
I don’t understand why he stayed so long.

Are they ready.
I’ve done my best.
That’s not the answer we want to hear.

Helen said she’d return by sunset.
Are you worried about her?
I have a duty to keep her from harm.
Yet, you let her go alone.

This house gives me the creeps.
It’s just your imagination.
Are those footsteps my imagination?

I wish you a writerly September!

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